The Victorian Equestrian Interschool Series (VEIS) was established approximately 20 years ago to support quality dressage and showjumping competitions run under EA rules to encourage skill development at the grass roots level.

The VEIS is committed to:
Providing a safe and supportive environment for dressage and showjumping competitions for primary and secondary students, and
supporting the development of quality equestrian competitions that foster talent and skill development
The Victorian Equestrian Interschool Series (VEIS) was established to support quality dressage and showjumping competitions run under EA rules to encourage skill development at the grass roots level.
VEIS series events use accredited judges and course designers and cater for all levels of riders. The events are supported by hosting schools and/or other bodies.
The VEIS series facilitates the running of 3 qualifying events and a grandfinal in dressage and showjumping. The champion and reserve champion in certain levels qualify for the Victorian team for the Australian National Interschool Championships.
The VEIS organising committee consists of representatives from 3 regions- Northern, Barwon and South East and aims to promote a dressage and showjumping event in each of the regions.